In the first of four workshops entitled ‘Art is a phenomenon’ we will explore the relationship between humans and urban biodiversity. In the "Sowing Colours" session, we'll learn how to make seed bombs out of clay, real love bombs for nature that will be scattered around the city's flowerbeds, showing that small actions can have a big impact on the health of our environment. 

    Circuito - Braga Media Arts Educational Service

    Activity included in the Circuito's Passport

    Sold out

      Circuito - Braga Media Arts Educational Service

      Activity included in the Circuito's Passport

      Sold out

      Activity included in the Circuito's Passport

      Date 22 Mar (Sat) | 10:00 a.m | gnration

      Ticket 3€ child / 4€ adult

      Mediation Catarina Loureiro and Marta Pombeiro

      Duration 2 hours

      Target audience Children aged 6 and over, accompanied by an adult

      Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts - RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas


      Art is a phenomenon
      'Art is a phenomenon' is a series of workshops for children and families, where nature is the starting point for discovering that science and art are two sides of the same curiosity! Here we'll explore how a simple walk in nature can turn into an artistic and scientific adventure, observing shapes, textures, and colours all around us.

      This activity is part of the Braga 25 – Portuguese Capital of Culture programme.