Bertie Brain - a VR video game for theater
BERTIE BRAIN explores how digital spaces can be inhabited not only by video games, but by experimental digital practices that open windows for alternative narratives and stories. Responding to the demands of new technologies and how they can contribute to society, this workshop examines how objects, landscapes, environments and theatrical bodies can be rethought in virtual space. While experiencing the sensation of inhabiting a virtual reality space, we question the role of digital games in imagining the future and debate how algorithms trigger negative emotions such as fear, paranoia, aggression and tribalism.
Direction, writing and artistic creation Rita Barbosa
Direction, creation and sound design Rui Lima
Duration 90 min.
Target Students of therater and performing arts, multimedia, media arts, and other interested people.
Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts. RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas