Invited by Circuito, Reinventar a Roda is a new show created by students of different nationalities who integrate the Maximinos School Grouping. Under the artistic direction of Frenesim, the show promotes inclusion and participation in musical creation through improvisation of the voice. 

It is in a circle that we experiment and improvise. It is in the circle that we gather our voices and create a show that expresses our collective identity - we reinvent ourselves in the wheel.

    Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts
    Free admission
      Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts
      Free admission

      Frenesim is a cultural cooperative, dreamed up and practiced by a group of artists and educators. It aims to promote art as an end, as a project for change and for bringing people together. It is from the mix of musicians, sculptors, performers, teachers and curious people that creates a transversal approach, key for personal and group exploration.

      School session: May 05

      General public session: 06 may

      Partner: Agrupamento de Escolas de Maximinos

      Age classification: m/6

      This performance is part of the Culture and Education 2023 Biennial program - RETROVISOR: A History of the Future, as part of the National Plan for the Arts