Electronic literature promotes an expressive symbiosis between human creativity and algorithmic interaction. Using the computer as a device for extending and complexifying subjectivity and human invention, which is based on combinatorial, random, multimodal, and interactive processes, electronic literature encourages emerging textual languages and genres. It even promotes writing methods that involve the reader in an active way, as well as reading processes that motivate co-authorship and co-creation: it offers possibilities of escrileitura (writing and reading). 

In this training session, natively digital literary works will be presented and discussed, programmed to act in a performative and indeterminate way, encouraging experimentation and play, in line with aspects of literacy that the new media require. Textual and sound experiments of a combinatory and generative matrix will also be programmed.

    Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts

    Training accredited by Training Center

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      Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts

      Training accredited by Training Center

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      Trainer Rui Torres

      Target Audience Teachers of the 3rd cycle and secondary school of all teaching areas, especially Portuguese and computer science

      Duration 6h 


      Rui Torres

      Studied communication, literature, and semiotics, and currently analyzes in his pedagogical and creative practice how these areas intersect and transform themselves with digital media. Rui Torres is a professor at Fernando Pessoa University and an integrated member of the NOVA Communication Institute. He is the editor of the Electronic Literature Organization and the Electronic Literature Series (Bloomsbury Publishing). He is also the coordinator of the Digital Archive of Experimental Portuguese Literature and of the book collection Cibertextualidades (FFP Publications).