In this short course, Gustavo Costa explores the need to reformulate music teaching centred on creativity, listening, and the human conditions and specificities that underlie all creations, transcending time and technology.

This training is based on a series of practical exercises developed collectively using rudimentary tools. These tools channel all our attention into how we hear, perceive, and organise the sounds surrounding us.

    Circuito - Braga Media Arts Educational Service


    Ticket 9€

    Buy ticket


    Training certified by the Sá de Miranda Training Centre. Register for certification here.

      Circuito - Braga Media Arts Educational Service


      Ticket 9€

      Buy ticket


      Training certified by the Sá de Miranda Training Centre. Register for certification here.

      Date 01 Mar (Sat) | 09:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m | gnration

      Ticket €9

      Trainer Gustavo Costa

      Duration 6h

      Target audience Music teachers and educators, musicians and other interested parties

      Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts - RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas | BPI Bank and ”la Caixa” Foundation

      Note training certified by the Sá de Miranda Training Centre. Teachers who require certificate should buy their tickets at the usual ticket points and make an aditional registration here.


      Gustavo Costa
      Gustavo Costa is a reference in the Portuguese experimental scene. He is the founder of Sonoscopia, a collective and association from Porto to which he has dedicated a big part of his activity. Gustavo also works in academia, with a special interest in subjects such as the study of sound, theory, composition, and digital media.