Teacher Training: Post-Digital Educators - Literacy and Child-Centred Participatory Methodologies
This training aims to enable educators and professionals in the application of innovative child-centred design methodologies. In this short course, participants will explore design thinking and co-creation techniques through a practical and participatory approach, developing skills that promote the transformation of the teaching environment into a dynamic and inclusive experience, respecting children's agency and stimulating their creativity and critical thinking.
Ticket 9€
Training certified by the Sá de Miranda Training Centre. Register for certification here.

Ticket 9€
Training certified by the Sá de Miranda Training Centre. Register for certification here.
Date 08 feb (sat) | 09:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m | gnration
Ticket €9
Trainer Clara Vieira Rodrigues
Duration 6 hours
Target audience Teachers and educators from pre-school to the 3rd cycle and other interested people
Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts - RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas | BPI Bank and ”la Caixa” Foundation
Note training certified by the Sá de Miranda Training Centre. Teachers who require certificate should buy their tickets at the usual ticket points and make an aditional registration here.
Clara Vieira Rodrigues
Clara Vieira Rodrigues is a designer, researcher, trainer, activist, and columnist for Público newspaper. Specialising in technology and child-centred design, her work addresses the importance of considering the rights of the youngest when developing products, services, and environments.