The deaf grandfather and the desire to fly - children's movie session
The Bread and Alley (Iran, 1970, Fiction, 10')
Two Solutions for One Problem (Iran, 1975 Fiction, 5')
So i can (Iran, 1975, Fiction, 4')
The Chorus (Iran, 1982, Fiction, 17')
Duration 36 min.
Age rating M/6
Programming and Mediation Confederação Coletivo de Investigação Teatral
Acknowledgements Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museu do Cinema (Teresa Borges), Batalha - Centro de Cinema(Joana Canas Marques, Rodrigo Afreixo), MK2 Films (Gwenolee Sokhn).
Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts. RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas
Confederação is a theatrical research collective founded in Porto in 2010. Its work focuses on four areas: creation, research, publishing and training. Its starting point is proximity shows, with its own dramaturgy based on popular forms of theater, and it develops research projects with a strong connection between theater and moving images.