The deaf grandfather and the desire to fly - children's movie session
To introduce you to this session, which is part of the Circuito - Braga Media Arts Educational Service programme, we first need to meet Abbas Kiarostami. He was born in 1940 in Tehran. He was an Iranian who was very curious about the world, wrote poetry, was a photographer, producer, woodworker (he made the furniture in his house), and made films. In 1969, he received an unexpected invitation to join KANUN (Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents), founded in 1965 in his hometown. Of the many films he made there, we've chosen four to share with us. "The Bread and Alley" is the first one Mr. Abbas Kiarostami made at KANUN in 1970. And in this one, as in the others we're sharing with you in this session, the child is both the subject and the protagonist. At times joined by a dog, at times lambada-ing with a friend, at times caught up in his dreams, at times trying to open the door of his grandfather's house, who can't hear very well.

The Bread and Alley (Iran, 1970, Fiction, 10')
Two Solutions for One Problem (Iran, 1975 Fiction, 5')
So i can (Iran, 1975, Fiction, 4')
The Chorus (Iran, 1982, Fiction, 17')
Duration 36 min.
Age rating M/6
Programming and Mediation Confederação Coletivo de Investigação Teatral
Acknowledgements Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museu do Cinema (Teresa Borges), Batalha - Centro de Cinema(Joana Canas Marques, Rodrigo Afreixo), MK2 Films (Gwenolee Sokhn).
Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts. RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas
Confederação is a theatrical research collective founded in Porto in 2010. Its work focuses on four areas: creation, research, publishing and training. Its starting point is proximity shows, with its own dramaturgy based on popular forms of theater, and it develops research projects with a strong connection between theater and moving images.