Calígula Morreu. Eu não.
A Universal ensemble, like a collective World. Starting with the literary work Calígula by Albert Camus, this first creative workshop proposes a meeting of artistic languages and diverse communities around three themes: the exercise of power, hopelessness and amorality, explored through theatrical practice, video art and scenography. The multidisciplinary sense of this atelier aims to promote, through the different artistic languages and techniques, divergent and convergent perspectives on universal themes, using participatory and inclusive methodologies and creative systems. The workshop will be coordinated by the artistic director of Terra Amarela - Platform for Inclusive Artistic Creation, Marco Paiva, and will count on the collaboration of Cláudia Oliveira, a Braga video and multimedia artist, the scenographer José Luiz Raymond and the actor Jesus Vidal, the first disabled actor to win a GOYA 2019 prize (Spanish film awards). This workshop will have a second edition in October 2019, at the Centro Dramático Nacional de Madrid.