Educational Service: Mini Mapa Sonoro
TARGET AUDIENCE: 2nd and 3rd School Cycles
AREA: Audiovisual
PERIODICITY: 2018/2019
What is the heritage of our city made of? A city is its people, its buildings, but also its sounds and its expressions. My mini sound map invites several classes to make their own trip through the material and immaterial heritage of Braga - from six representative sites of the school to their students, the adventure is to create an illustration of your own map and the recording of sounds that surround and characterize it. In the end this work will be available online in the form of interactive visual and sound map. So everyone can enjoy how this group of young students sees and hears their city.
See the maps here in the link.
1. EB 2/3 Nogueira - 3 Dec'18
2. EB 2/3 André Soares - Jan. 14
3. EB 2/3 Mosteiro e Cávado - Jan 21
4. EB 2/3 Trigal Santa Maria - 4 Feb. 19
5. EB 2/3 Gualtar - 11 Feb. 19
6. EB 2/3 Lamaçães - 11 Mar'19
7. EB 2/3 Francisco Sanches - April 29'19
8. EB 2/3 Celeirós - 13 May 2019