EMAP: 16 artists selected for new edition of European artist residencies
The EMAP - European Media Arts Platform - artist residency program has been renewed for another edition and the names of the 16 selected artists are now known.

With the aim of supporting projects by emerging artists in the fields of video, digital art, robotics, bio-art and other areas of Media Arts, EMAP's artist residency program presents new names for the 2024 edition. Spread across 16 European cities, the selected artists are challenged to create collaborative exhibitions based on themes such as noise canceling technology, synthetic rainbows, pandemic archive memories, exhausted landscapes or the link between weather and climate.
After hosting Davor Sanvincenti in 2023, the city of Braga is now welcoming Brazilian artist Luiz Zanotello for a two-month artistic residency at gnration.
The remaining selected artists will be based in the following cities:
Fleur Melbourn · Antre Peaux (Bourges, France)
Masharu · Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria)
Leon van Oldenborgh · CIKE Creative Industry Košice (Košice, Slovakia)
Luiz Zanotello · gnration (Braga, Portugal)
Johanna Bruckner · iMAL Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology (Brussels, Belgium)
Benedikt Terwiel · IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture] (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Vivien Roussel · Kersnikova Institute / Kapelica Gallery (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Karolina Żyniewicz · KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis (Zagreb, Croatia)
Lukas Truniger · LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre (Gijón, Spain)
Andreas Zingerle · m-cult (Helsinki, Finland)
Rosemary Lee · NeMe (Limassol, Cyprus)
Bettina Katja Lange · Onassis Stegi (Athens, Greece)
Agata Konarska and Jakub Kosecki · RIXC Centre for New Media Culture (Riga, Latvia)
Ali Akbar Mehta in collaboration with Jernej Čuček Gerbec · Werkleitz Centre for Media Art (Halle/Saale, Germany) in collaboration with transmediale (Berlin, Germany)
Christian Skjødt Hasselstrøm · WRO Art Center (Wroclaw, Poland)
Adriana Knouf · Guest host 2024: ISSS Indonesia Space Science Society / HONF Foundation (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
The European Media Art Platform (EMAP) is a European network that includes fifteen renowned European institutions that focus their work on promoting Media Arts.
Support: Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts. RTCP - Portuguese Network of Theatres and Cinemas.