OPEN CALL: EAI International Conference ArtsIT
The international ArtsIT conference of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) celebrates its tenth anniversary this year and comes after stops all over the world to the UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts. From December 02-04, 2021, media artists, practical researchers, scientists and theorists will come together in Karlsruhe to discuss the symbiosis of art and informatics in lectures, poster sessions and workshops.

The conference will focus on the presentation of the latest research at the interface between art, science and technology. At the same time, the artistic approach to digital media will open up perspectives on how new technologies influence our lives, our culture and our society. In addition to the focus on technical progress and innovation, the conference therefore includes equally important topics such as sustainability, inclusion and human dignity.
ArtsIT 2021 is organized by Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences and museum x of the Baden State Museum and takes place in cooperation with UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts. Two special sessions are oriented towards ongoing projects in the museum: on the one hand, the virtualization of museum experiences and the development of interactive digital platforms, and on the other hand, the development of the field of artificial intelligence.
Due to the uncertainty of circumstances, the conference is planned to take place entirely as an online event; if circumstances allow it, parts of the program will take place at museum x and at the Baden State Museum.
Call for Papers: Full Paper Submission deadline 17. Jun 2021; Notification deadline 29. Juli 2021; Camera-ready deadline 09. September 2021.
More information and access to the online application here.