Startups and companies get together at "Doing Business" initiative
“Doing Business”, ScaleUp Porto event that reaches its 5th edition, will be held this year in partnership with UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of Universidade do Porto.

As has been happening globally with most of the events scheduled for this occasion, due to Covid-19, this year the meetings go digital. However, the will remains to promote innovation and create opportunities for companies to learn about products and services developed by national startups.
Health, Mobility, Banking, Communications, Retail and Energy are some of the areas represented by the more than 30 organizations that are already confirmed, a collaboration that today, more than ever, demonstrates the importance of betting on startups so that the entrepreneurship does not lose strength.
The “Doing Business” takes place on May 14th and companies interested in participating can apply until April 24th.
Before the event itself, startups can also have access to a series of webinars that take place starting next week, a kind of bootcamp entitled “Road to Doing Business”. The sessions are open to all interested entrepreneurs.
You can apply for the “Doing Business” initiative and discover all the online conferences of “Road to Doing Business” at