Theatro Circo celebrates 105 years with dance, poetry, music and performances
Tomorrow Theatro Circo celebrates 105 years of existence. A birthday that this year, due to unexpected circumstances, is celebrated virtually.

Next tuesday the stage will be our homes. More than 20 artists come together to celebrate and throughout the day present us with concerts and performances through their Instagram pages.
Ana Moura, Pedro Abrunhosa, Valter Hugo Mãe (poetry), Adolfo Luxúria Canibal (poetry), Conan Osiris, Márcia, Cristina Branco, Rita Redshoes, Sela Uamusse, André Henriques, António Durães (poetry), Angélica Salvi, Cachupa Psicadélica, La Baq, Luís Figueiredo, Carne Doce, Tainá, Jorge Coelho, Mr Gallini, Duarte Valadares (dance) and Mara Andrade (dance) and Doll Marlon (performance) are part of the line-up.
At 1 pm, Theatro Circo starts the 105th anniversary party, with Duarte Valadares 'dance performance', followed by Mara Andrade and a concert by singer Tainá.
Also present at the celebrations is Angélica Salvi, an artist who would have performed last month in a concert scheduled by Circuito - Braga Media Arts Educational Service.
Tomorrow, and while the concert is not rescheduled, we hear the sounds of the Spanish harpist, at 8 pm, on her instagram account:
The usual guided tours of the Theatro Circo, which bring together hundreds of people every year for the anniversary, are now available in virtual format (360º).