It's not a simulation. It's not an escape-room. It's not a game. It's not a youth parliament. It's not an exercise. It's not an experiment. And it is all of these things!
Hackfordemocracy25A invites 200 young people between 13 and 15 years old to occupy gnration from April 24 to 25, for 12 consecutive hours, on a night that reminds us of the the April Revolution in Portugal, but with the awareness that we are in the 21st century, that the regime is now different and that the revolution is still urgent. Our time needs new heroes and new symbols and we want to know what young people have to say and do about all this.
This action takes place in the context of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of April 25, as part of the action plan of the EU Digital Deal project, with the aim of designing innovative solutions that foster the civic involvement of young people and promote the values of equality, diversity and non-discrimination, which can help ensure that democracy remains solid and in line with European values in an increasingly digital world.
24 Apr. - 25 Apr.
Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts
Free admission
- #educational projects

24 Apr. - 25 Apr.
Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts
Free admission
- #educational projects
140 young people between 13 and 15 years old, out of more than 200 registered, with the support of more than 60 people, spent the night of April 24 and the morning of April 25 at gnration, in an event promoted by Braga Media Arts, to enjoy and participate in an experience to imagine what it would be like to live in a totalitarian regime and reflect, as European citizens, on their main concerns and the challenges currently facing democracies, freedom, and revolutions.
From this experience, the participants drafted the following manifest:
They say we are individualistic and complacent, we don't care about politics, we don't know anything about what's going on around us. Maybe that's true, but we have something to say.
50 years after April 25, we feel that democracy is in danger and the reality isn't as we thought it would be. Today, we face complex challenges that compromise freedom and equality. We are concerned about climate change, gender inequality, the rise of political extremism, homophobia and transphobia, xenophobia, racism, lack of housing, inequalities in health and culture, war, disinformation and fake news, and corruption.
Tonight 140 young people occupied gnration. We reflected on what power, censorship, and oppression are. We don't have the right to vote yet, but democracy isn't just about voting. Now, we're sharing 25 ideas for the city, the country, and Europe. These are not vague ideas but concrete proposals. And they are urgent.
- Improve the public transport network;
- Invest in recycling, place more recycling bins and public toilets in the city;
- Restore Rio Este;
- Improve sidewalks for people with mobility impairments;
- Build ramps and access to cultural buildings (theaters, cinemas, etc.);
- Create awareness actions and organize intercultural festivals for people to interact with other cultures;
- Talk about stereotypes and the variety of cultures living in our country in the various subjects of the school curriculum;
- Promote sex education in schools, allowing everyone to express themselves as they wish;
- Improve ICT programmes so we can identify fake news;
- Invest in political education for citizens of all ages;
- Reduce rents and use uninhabited homes for those who need them most;
- Increase the minimum and average wage;
- Co-pay for all health exams;
- Ensure that everyone has the right to psychological and dental services;
- Guaranteeing equal pay for everyone, with heavy consequences for those who don't follow through;
- Listening to people with disabilities, working on empathy among young people and children;
- Promote more affordable access to culture;
- Create cultural shows accessible to blind and deaf people;
- Increase taxes on vehicle fuels and invest in renewable energies;
- Guarantee diversity and plurality in political participation;
- Implement anti-corruption programmes;
- Control the Euribor rate to lower housing loan rates;
- Give major visibility to different cultures in the media;
- Combat stereotypes by no longer presenting the ideal type of person in the media;
- Creating measures to combat fake news and disinformation.
Above all, we want to be listened to and questioned. We want spaces where we can participate. We want to be an active voice in a society that is constantly changing. After all, we are the future, but we are also the present.
This event, organized by Teatro Circo de Braga EM S.A. as part of the EU Digital Deal programme, co-financed by the European Commission, also had the exceptional support of Agere, Edigma, Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (in particular the Braga delegation and the National Emergency Coordination), the National Archives of Torre do Tombo, the IPCA, as well as a wide range of local volunteers and professionals who provided all the necessary support for an event of this nature and size, contributing to its success.
Date April 24th and 25th
Place gnration
Target audience Young people between 13 and 15 years old
Support hackfordemocracy25A is supported by the European Digital Deal project.